The Pirate


Deluded was I, dreaming, wishing, peering at the night sky.

For there was nothing greater, than passions of what the deluded man believes is true.

Darkness foresaw me, or perhaps it was the waiting dawn,

I did not belong in the night, I belonged to the day, and all that was lingering for me there.

It rocked, I rocked, the thought of leaving my beloved rocker is beyond any torture that I a mere man would ever understand.

I wished for my former, a former indifference, that didn’t live within my now.

What a wondrous earth I belonged too, how could I betray it so,

For that I must stand amongst the crowd and hear their voices cry my name, till there isn’t a sound.

3 thoughts on “The Pirate

      1. You’re welcome. Love to read work of new poets/writers. Looking into getting back into creative writing to prepare material for my wedding. Plus I wanted to start writing a blog so this seemed like a good outlet.

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